As an Adaptive person with disabilities, I became part of the Medi-Cal Migration.
Circling the state, I fell into a bottomless strip-mining pit of corruption and greed.
I had to travel hundreds of miles from San Diego to Sacramento to plead for care.
Surgeries were delayed not by weeks or months but years; on average, about four years.
After ten years of repeated denials, I have received about a hundred procedures.
Today, about a dozen surgeries remain outstanding, many of them denied for the last ten years.

I tried the California Dept. of Social Service (DSS) grievance route to no avail.
I litigated as a pro per in the superior, appellate and supreme courts to no avail.
Judges trampled my ADA rights and refused to accommodate me.
They even conducted terminal hearings while I was on the operating table.
Ironically, I am not strong enough to fight for surgeries until I receive the surgeries.

Medical Centers accept state and federal funds but allow surgeons to refuse Medi-Cal.
Medical Providers manipulate administrative and medical protocol to refuse care.
If the patient objects to the mistreatment, they attack the patient.
They thereby pathologize the patient rather than treat the pathology.

UC Regents and private medical centers erect invisible barriers.
They obstruct and funnel traffic not unlike the barricades found on the 405 deflect us.
Connection? Congestion.
And a lot of syphoning of tax payers’ dollars. $124,000,000,000 per year.

Where is the Tobacco Tax revenue? Where does all that money go? Cal Aim
Not to physicians. Medi-Cal does not incentivize them to accept Medi-Cal.
Our reimbursement rate to physicians ranks 48th out of 50 states.
UCLA Medical Center declared the doors are open and Medi-Cal is widely accepted.
Yet, in truth, the UC Regents is more like a wicked laundromat.
Instead of Fluff ‘n Fold, it is Deny ‘n Die.

They use public funds to build a stratified health care system,
Excluding the “undesirables,” the poor, disabled and chronically ill.
Worse, they manipulate the most vulnerable, to perform unnecessary surgeries.
They used me as a lab rat to teach their students and mutilated my spine.

Their latest line of disqualification: “Quality of Life.”
Where once they strove to improve or at least maintain a patient’s quality of life,
Now, we, the adaptive and elderly, are told, it’s a “Quality of Life, I…iiiii…ssue,”
‘You’ do not deserve the same quality as, ‘Us,” 
I.E., Intentional Elimination.

They falsely argue, no sense in fixing one disability because you suffer from others.
And no sense in providing surgeries because now you are old and falling apart.
Of course, I am in disrepair because they denied my surgeries since 2012.
In the end, the state prefers to perpetuate my disabilities and accelerate my demise.

Needless to say, the three venues, legal, medicla and social services, have failed me.
So I might as well share my painful story …
With hope my disclosure with expose the corruption and create positive change.